Home Birth Midwifery

Paige Barocca, RN, LDEM, CPM

Paige is a certified professional midwife (CPM) licensed in the state of Maryland. She provides holistic, personalized care throughout Baltimore and the surrounding area. Home birth midwives attend low risk births at home, caring for mothers throughout their prenatal and postpartum period. The continuity of care unique to home birth allows for individualized care that is simply unmatched when birthing in a busy hospital or birth center. By keeping an intimate, low volume practice, Paige provides quality care, including prenatal and postpartum visits tailored to you. When hiring a home birth midwife, you can look forward to building a strong connection with the person who will be assisting you to birth your baby. Your midwife should be a familiar, comforting face greeting you at the door on your birthing day.

Home birth midwife

What does home birth midwifery care look like?

  • One free consultation to meet the midwife, answer questions, and review contracts
  • Complete continuity of care; one midwife throughout your entire prenatal, birth, and postpartum experience
  • Monthly prenatal visits throughout the first two trimesters; Prenatal visits every two weeks from 28 to 36 weeks; Weekly prenatal care during the final month of pregnancy until birth
  • Routine lab work completed in office, referrals to ultrasounds or appropriate health services as needed or requested
  • Education regarding all options and choices, prioritizing and respecting client’s right to complete informed consent or refusal
  • Access to my lending library of pregnancy, birth, and parenting books, DVDs, and meditations
  • Assistance in writing, reviewing, and honoring a birth plan tailored to the needs of your family
  • Unlimited phone consultations: available via phone, email, and text throughout pregnancy, labor, and postpartum.
  • On-call status to attend your birth, 24/7 availability from week 37-42 of your pregnancy
  • Labor support in your home, if desired, from active labor on, including physical comfort measures, emotional support, utilizing labor coping skills, massage, aromatherapy, rebozo, and other non-pharmacological pain relief techniques.
  • Positioning suggestions during labor and birth for both comfort and progress
  • Guide and support for the woman’s partner so that he/she may help at his/her own comfort level and take breaks as needed.
  • Attendance of the birth in your home, providing a “hands-off” midwifery approach, assisting only when needed or requested
  • Management of labor complications as they arise, including herbal and pharmacological management of postpartum hemorrhage when necessary
  • Expectant management of the third stage, unless otherwise requested
  • Immediate postpartum recovery care, including assessments on mother and baby, facilitating bonding, assistance with breastfeeding, and a complete and thorough newborn exam
  • A minimum of three postpartum visits around two days, two weeks, and six weeks; first neonatal weight check and PKU collected in client’s home; additional postpartum support as needed,
  • Direct communication with the pediatrician of your choosing
  • Access to my knowledge of local, regional, and international support available to pregnant and new mothers, in addition to my lending library of informative books and dvds.
  • Assistance with filing birth certificate paperwork
  • Dedicated billing services working to obtain maximum reimbursements

What are the limitations of home birth midwifery care?

  • Certified Professional Midwives licensed in Maryland are not permitted to attend vaginal births after cesareans (VBACs), twins, or breech births.
  • You may risk out of care if your pregnancy becomes high risk. This includes the development of pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia, severe anemia, placenta previa, preterm labor, gestational diabetes that is not diet controlled, and other medical complications.
  • In the event of a transfer of care, I will assist you in finding a supportive higher level provider. I will continue to provide educational and emotional support throughout your pregnancy and birth as requested.
  •  As your midwife, I do not make decisions on your behalf. I value true informed consent and refusal. I will offer my medical recommendation when requested or necessary. Ultimately, you are responsible for making your own informed choices regarding the care of yourself and your baby.
  • Midwives carry emergency medications to manage hemorrhage, infection, shock, vaginal repairs and resuscitations at home. Midwives do NOT provide medical inductions at home. Home birth midwives do NOT provide pharmaceutical pain management such as narcotic analgesics.
  • I will not take the place of your birth partner’s role of primary support, unless your partner is absent or requests otherwise. I welcome doulas and supportive family members if you desire additional support at your birth.

What does home birth midwifery care cost?

  • The total out of pocket cost for midwifery care is $6800.
  • An initial registration fee of $850 is required to start care.
  • The remaining $5950 is due by 36 weeks.
  • Payment plans are available.
  • Billing services are offered to verify your benefits and file insurance claims.

Interested in learning more? Schedule a free consult and start your home birth journey today!